Jumping on Coals Album (Download)


An album of electronically enhanced cello pizz and a story about workplace culture

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This was the first album I created after I moved to LA and joined the workforce after leaving college. My subconscious must have been very active the whole time, as it had been about a year since I had really created music, and I finished this all in a weekend and an extra day I took off of work.

Bonus fact, this entire album only uses manipulated cello pizzicato sounds. In fact, this really isn’t performable on cello (at least, I don’t think a solo cello could recreate this), so it would probably need to be recorded uses keys like when I played it that weekend. I even made sure my room was candle lit to keep me in the zone haha!

The album picture was a picture I took shortly before actually knowing the storyline would involve jumping on coals while I was at a rooftop party for July 4th. They had this awesome fire pit with stones instead of wood and it just fascinated me as I was toying around with my phone’s “Pro” settings to take pictures of fire.

Interestingly enough, this album actually has an abstract symbolic storyline with vivid images in my head all symbolizing how we live in a society where we work all day, eventually burn out, and then get back to work. It hints at ironic optimism as it touches on the subjects of burnout in the workplace, and, if you stop working, it only digs you deeper in the whole. Let’s just say, my workplace was taking advantage of me, and turned a blind eye to the whole situation since it was making them money.


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